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  • Good idea?

    SRAM thinks so, they are likely to launch 1×11 road groups for MY2016.

    SRAM Force CX1 would be a nice chainset to have if you insist on spending money, but you could just fit the chainring to your existing cranks with some single bolts and get the cranks later once your sure a single ring is for you.

  • SRAM thinks so, they are likely to launch 1×11 road groups for MY2016.

    Yet again I am ahead of trend. Having now Googled it according to they're looking at a 42T rear cog. Now that's a dinner plate.

    you could just fit the chainring to your existing cranks with some single bolts and get the cranks later once your sure a single ring is for you.

    This is, of course, a very good idea. Would you fit the single ring inside or outside the spider?

  • Would you fit the single ring inside or outside the spider?

    I think inside ends up closer to the centre of the cassette on a road bike.

    SRAM would obviously like to sell everybody their 10-42 11-speed cassette plus the corresponding special cassette rotor and non-slant RD, but for most of us the 12-36 10-speed cassettes provide enough range for leisure riding and, as @Howard says, you can use the mid-price 10-speed MTB dérailleurs with your 10-speed road Doubletaps.

  • according to­roup-new-details-emerge/ they're looking at a 42T rear cog

    That's for the XX1 MTB group. Road bikes probably won't need or want such a wide range.

    I have extreme gears of 48/12 and 34/23 at the moment, so I could bin the inner ring and fit a 12-32 cassette and be no worse off apart from the bigger jumps. 44/11-36 would give the same range as I'd have if I finally got around to buying the 12-27 cassette I've been promising myself for the last couple of years.


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