Yeah, most of those sort of pages seem to have several paragraphs of weird differences which will bore the average user into submission - then tuck the conclusion in at the bottom...
99% of people want a GPX Track. Unless you know what you are doing, GPX Routes are not useful and should be avoided.
Incidentally, IIRC, my single attempt to use a TCX resulted in the turns being announced in some odd text format when I had already passed the junction. Almost certainly my cock up, but I've used GPXs exclusively ever since without a problem.
Yeah, most of those sort of pages seem to have several paragraphs of weird differences which will bore the average user into submission - then tuck the conclusion in at the bottom...
Incidentally, IIRC, my single attempt to use a TCX resulted in the turns being announced in some odd text format when I had already passed the junction. Almost certainly my cock up, but I've used GPXs exclusively ever since without a problem.