Ahh yeah. In that case, like you suspected, Python is probably your man. It sounds like the pain of learning it would be useful to you in general (ie this isn't just a one-off).
That natural language stuff is still only useful to you if you need to figure out things from context (I think).
If you have the time, I point you in the direction of: http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book
its a good start especially if you aren't programming in another language already.
Thanks, duder. I shall delve into the world of Python! I did take a programming class in high school, but that was quite a while ago. Was thinking of bashing my way through that code academy thing and seeing where I am after that, unless people feel it's a particular waste of time.
Ahh yeah. In that case, like you suspected, Python is probably your man. It sounds like the pain of learning it would be useful to you in general (ie this isn't just a one-off).
That natural language stuff is still only useful to you if you need to figure out things from context (I think).
If you have the time, I point you in the direction of: http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book
its a good start especially if you aren't programming in another language already.