I've been riding my Genesis Flyer freewheel since I bought it last year, but last week my fixie-curiosity overcame me and I decided to buy a fixed cog to go on the other side of the flip-flop hub.
Now, I know I'll get some stick for this, but I decided to buy from Evans and, since I'm a beginner at this bicycle maintenance lark I asked them to fit it to the bike too.
So, 40 minutes later they give me my bike back. They say there's a fair amount of wear in the chain, so I should consider getting that replaced fairly soon, and they've put it back in freewheel mode. Since it's 6pm on a weekday and I have no desire for my first fixed gear experience to be in rush hour traffic, I'm fine with that. I pay for the cog and the labour and go on my way.
Now, when I get home I break out my spanner and flip the wheel round. That's funny, I think, this chain isn't fitting very well onto the cog. I struggle to get the wheel turning at all. That doesn't seem right.
With no ruler to (now very oily) hand, I go online (with now very oily iPad) and check the tech specs of my bike for the type of chain I have. Maybe a compatibility issue? Sure enough, it turns out the chain I have is 3/32", and the cog I've been sold is 1/8". A cursory Google, followed by a sudden bout of common sense, suggests that this combination of cog size and chain size is a no-no. It seems to me to be the sort of thing that should've been noticed when they were fitting it.
I called the shop this morning and explained the problem, at which point I was told that the trouble I was having was to do with the wear in the chain, not the size of the cog they'd sold me. I'm skeptical.
I'm going in to the shop to sort this out tonight, but I want to go in armed with as much knowledge as possible so I don't get shafted. As such, I've got a few questions.
Can you ladies and gents confirm that there's definitely a compatibility issue here?
-To what extent could wear in the chain affect how well it fits onto a cog? If my chain was brand-spanking new, would I at least be able to get it to work?
Am I within my rights to ask for my money back?
What's the best course of action?
-Is there anything I shouldn't let them talk me into?
Evans charged me a tenner for a KMC chain before. I asked how much it'd be to fit it for me and I was quoted £15 .. I laughed hoping he was joking but he wasn't:/ Apparently that was cheap compared to other shops
I've been riding my Genesis Flyer freewheel since I bought it last year, but last week my fixie-curiosity overcame me and I decided to buy a fixed cog to go on the other side of the flip-flop hub.
Now, I know I'll get some stick for this, but I decided to buy from Evans and, since I'm a beginner at this bicycle maintenance lark I asked them to fit it to the bike too.
So, 40 minutes later they give me my bike back. They say there's a fair amount of wear in the chain, so I should consider getting that replaced fairly soon, and they've put it back in freewheel mode. Since it's 6pm on a weekday and I have no desire for my first fixed gear experience to be in rush hour traffic, I'm fine with that. I pay for the cog and the labour and go on my way.
Now, when I get home I break out my spanner and flip the wheel round. That's funny, I think, this chain isn't fitting very well onto the cog. I struggle to get the wheel turning at all. That doesn't seem right.
With no ruler to (now very oily) hand, I go online (with now very oily iPad) and check the tech specs of my bike for the type of chain I have. Maybe a compatibility issue? Sure enough, it turns out the chain I have is 3/32", and the cog I've been sold is 1/8". A cursory Google, followed by a sudden bout of common sense, suggests that this combination of cog size and chain size is a no-no. It seems to me to be the sort of thing that should've been noticed when they were fitting it.
I called the shop this morning and explained the problem, at which point I was told that the trouble I was having was to do with the wear in the chain, not the size of the cog they'd sold me. I'm skeptical.
I'm going in to the shop to sort this out tonight, but I want to go in armed with as much knowledge as possible so I don't get shafted. As such, I've got a few questions.
-To what extent could wear in the chain affect how well it fits onto a cog? If my chain was brand-spanking new, would I at least be able to get it to work?
Am I within my rights to ask for my money back?
What's the best course of action?
-Is there anything I shouldn't let them talk me into?