• #27
Hey halfmanhalfbiscuit,
I completely got it wrong about the medical field bit. I thought you were one of those people who likes to slip 'I'm a doctor' into the conversation. Sarcasm and irony can be difficult to convey in print. (I, for example, am hilarious in person.) I'm sorry for being a dick. Hardly ever happens.
And the Rapha thing was just bitterness at my failure to work people up into anti-Rapha torch wielding mobs.
And Half Man Half Biscuit, I was taking the piss. Which we must do with taste in bands. (They are shit though and I can probably help you with Spotify playlists and photographs of my record collection.)
You are spot on about the unfriendliness thing though. There's a good song by a good band (Fugazi; write it down) - You'd Make a Great Cop. It applies to large chunks of the London population (I'm part of it, but not that chunk). Especially cyclists for some reason. And on here it often comes with a worrying whiff of xenophobia.
I already said your bike's lovely, didn't I? It still is. -
• #28
No. Stop. It's second rate comedy and second rate indie and the two don't meet at the middle to become any kind of expression. It's every student band and every coward's desire to make art only to back away with comedy as a get-out clause. It's worse than that, it's Viz put to guitars.
If we're going to do this vein of stuff (and it's hitting me harder every day how awful most of the eighties music that meant a lot to me at the time really is) The Fall, for sure. Bogshed? Blimey, that's a take-no-prisoners band right there. -
• #29
I think you miss the point with HMHB; they are both funny AND sad in equal measure. In any case, to talk in terms of second-rate comedy sounds like snobbery to me (I'm not having a dig, just saying what it sounds like). Something will make you laugh or it won't, I certainly didn't affect my chuckle when I heard this for the first time:
"Down in the High Street somebody careered out of Boots without due care or attention. I suggest that they learn some pedestrian etiquette: i.e sidle out of the store gingerly, embrace the margin."
That's every suburban town high-street, that is, and it's funny because it's true, funnier still because it's well put.
Just my opinion, but I think Nigel Blackwell would stare at you vacantly if you told him he was trying to "make art".
And so what it they were a band students once listened to, they don't now. Maybe they should? -
• #30
Bands students listen to are cool. Student bands (whose members don't intend quitting being students) aren't. Just in the way Sunday painters aren't.
But listen, we're all trying to make art even if we don't say it out loud. Unless we're trying to make product. Which I wouldn't accuse even HMHB of. I don't really know who Nigel Blackwell is but I reckon any backing away from the idea that a performer's an artist is alien to the northern working class aesthetic (Cf. loads of people).
Of course second-rate is a stupid thing to say. And snobby. I just remember hearing this stuff the first time round and even then it sounded (to me) like comedy's supposed to sound. You know what I mean? Like a BBC3 sitcom sounds the way comedy's supposed to sound and people laugh after the punchlines because that's the sound they know's supposed to come next.
But that doesn't mean anything. I laugh at Lenny Bruce because I really want to be in that gang. My laugh is just as crappy (or not) as yours. (Obviously mine is a bit better, but let's just say). -
• #31
"I don't really know who Nigel Blackwell is..."
Well, you've sort of undermined your whole position right there. Leads me to think that maybe you've not really listened to much HMHB.
Musically, I'm not saying they're anything special, but lyrically, Blackwell's erudite as Mark E Smith or Morrissey. Moreover, interviews with him reveal a quiet, humble man who certainly takes his craft seriously, but not enough to care whether or not you and I want to call it art.As to what's cool, or perceived to be cool, I'm not interested.
I'm not interested in this debate at all, per se, but felt it worth sticking up for HMHB because they're actually a completely unique sort of band - JUST LIKE THE BIKE THIS THREAD IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT! -
• #32
Please don't shout, there's people pretending to be at work here...!
• #33
If people would just admit I'm right and that they never came across quite this mixture of opinionatedness and charm we could all get on with our day.
• #34
This thread is my day.
• #35
Yeah Yeah Noh
Marc Riley and the Creepers
All that The Shend, Cravats stuff (wicked, obvz.) . . .
There was more than one band misreading the Fall and what kind of licence the Fall granted. HMHB were also-rans elevated via Peel's inner posh boy getting weak-kneed in the face of authentic-voice-of -scouse stuff (not to knock the guy, total dude, this is the necessary flaw in his Persian carpet selfness).
More 'fairly unique'.
Hey, full circle! -
• #36
Do you work in Championship Vinyl...?
• #37
I'm just that forty six year old guy bitter about being too young for punk and too Irish for acid house who gets shouty about meaningless stuff like somehow that's going to fill the cultural void.
Where's Championship Vinyl? -
• #38
Google is your friend.
• #39
Oh I just Googled it. Can I be in the film not the book? And can I be Jack Black not long coaty guy?
• #40
I've got you pegged as Barry.
• #41
The next time someone asks me a simple question I'm going to say 'Google is your friend'. Then I'm going to count how many new friends I've made.
• #42
Care to start on Top Five's......?
• #43
Top five questions not to be answered by "Google is your friend"...?
• #44
Can I kiss you on the lips?
• #45
You've got four left.
• #46
I was going to ask the same question five times.
Anyway I'm sure it's a Googleable top five. -
• #47
Haha...Nearly chocked on me cuppa!! :) cheers
• #48
Yup....Unique band!! :).................A bit marmite (but 10 pin bowling is a great sport )....ANY ecclectic linkages to Talking Heads also cant be ALL bad! :)
• #49
Actually Phil....The amended Text was In feedback from you amongst others....So proves I am open to listening
I am not a Forum guy.....I don't get the it's our turf bit.....Although I dont knock people who enjoy the banter/forum, would be quite nice to joust a bit.....I'm sure i'd come off as not too bad a prick....I was advised by a fellow forum member to post here instead of Retrobike...I would have thought the classifieds were a bit different than the general forum bit...but I suppose that's a learning curve... :). Just as a bit of grub to go with your pint......I wouldnt be making a profit on the sale.....Maybe that shows the true worth of the bike...or Im a tit for buying at the price !! :), but maybe you could run a forum competition and see how many NOS 1977 Guerciottis with Full PAT77 SR and 24ct gold parts...you can find (APART from my 3!!! :) ....to put a Sliding scale as to the degree of Huburis....the proclomation of uniqueness of the bike (not me)...(joke in there somewhere).....The winner gets to list their favourite HMHB album or Talking heads track......or a week bythesea, to learn the art of jousting....may enter myself for that, we'd have a right old pissrip... I know Ive been out of UK for a couple of years, but I never knew Timewasters and dreamers became the ultimate oxymorons and started actually buying stuff!!!....Chaos must be ruling ...... Given......probably would have been easier just to list in $AU, and keep that as a constant, and not try to engage the noggin when it's full of ale and other shit.....But you live and learn,........and everything is clearer with hindsight.... -
• #50
Is this still available?
Holy Shit. All that and I still can’t find the bit admitting that just maybe you brought some of this on yourself…?
Your (now edited) Jordan Belfort sales pitch was bound to provoke some sarcastic responses. Your (also now edited) declaration that you didn’t want to be bothered by “dreamers and timewasters” didn’t help. It’s a bike forum, it’s full of dreamers and timewasters who comment on bikes. They’re the ones most likely to buy your bike.
Your whining about how you were treated as a new member doesn’t hold up either. Explore the site (and not just the classifieds). New members who make an effort get welcomed with open keyboards. First time posters who swing by just to make a profit on something get understandably treated with a smidgen of suspicion at first. You’re joining the site, make an effort.
The AU$/GBP exchange rate bit, fair enough, but even there it’s up to you to check, and perfectly justified for people on here to query. AU$3500 to £2000 was the rate a good 6 months back at least, not just a few weeks ago.
I'm genuinely sorry to hear about your son, and good luck with selling your bike, but jeezus, stop blaming everyone else for your bad sales pitch.
I not a fan of HMHB. Owen Paul though, rock on!