Absolutely un-fucking-believable rationale from the police there. If you're on the road without hi-viz or a helmet (peds included) then you're fair game for drivers, as long as they only run you over at 30mph. Of course, if it had gone to court then the jury of fellow motorists would've let her off, while remembering all the close calls they've had when faffing with the radio, glovebox, makeup, mobile phone etc....
Absolutely un-fucking-believable rationale from the police there. If you're on the road without hi-viz or a helmet (peds included) then you're fair game for drivers, as long as they only run you over at 30mph. Of course, if it had gone to court then the jury of fellow motorists would've let her off, while remembering all the close calls they've had when faffing with the radio, glovebox, makeup, mobile phone etc....