Further to my inspection of the 928 a couple of weeks ago, I've decided that another M car is probably the way forward. I've not got too long left on the mortgage, so once that's done I'll be ready to have a serious look.
Which of course means it's highly likely to be an E39 M5 in that special blue colour. Pistonheads has revealed a couple of little beauties as well as the ubiquitous high milers, but ebay has thrown up a couple of crackers too.
I guess the next thing is yet again going to be storage.
@BRM - I have some devastating news - the missus has become obsessed with MG's. She saw a B and a Midget yesterday and has decided that she'll get her cash together and treat herself.
What do they cost these days?
I'd like one of those, really I would.
I'd prefer an E39 M5 though.