It varies lender to lender, some totally ignore bonus/commission payments if they're not guaranteed, others allow something.
My old job was about 30% basic salary 70% commission and I had different lenders offer me a max mortgage of between £140,000 and £350,000.
You'll need to talk to a mortgage broker.
You'll need to talk to a mortgage broker.
Aye this.
I spoke to a guy, sent him some docs, he spoke to the underwriters and boom, they gave me an approval in principle, 3 days later.While I'm here, cash buyers suck! I'm on an outbid downer.
House hunting is eating into my LFGSS-time and is proving to be more much more dangerously expensive than being on the Watches thread.
Can anyone tell me how the impact of the upcoming election influences the housing market? I keep hearing about it but don't really understand.
Couple of questions:
When applying for a mortgage will they give a mortgage based on OTE?
We want to buy a house next year but looking at it monthly mortgage repayments would be around 1600-1800 - that's equivalent to what we currently pay in rent. Is that a good basis to go on?