Sorry if I gave the impression the letter was about my daughter. The x-ed out name was my friend's daughter's name. She rode to school without a helmet, and was stopped by a teacher who said he was conducting a survey about 'active students' or some such thing.
The fact that it turns out he was actually taking the names of helmetless cyclists so he could send their parents the above letter is dodgy in itself, but there's no smearing involved.
Did you receive a copy of this letter? If you didn't, and it appears the headteacher is conducting a smear campaign against you and your daughter using public funds, then I would imagine the local paper would be very interested. The letter tries, rather clumsily, to link riding 'with little regard to road safety' and not wearing a helmet. The link between the two is sufficiently tenuous that even the densest journo should be able to see that the comparison is intellectually dishonest.