Thanks! I've just got back from a meeting and had my first proper poke around. It's 14 years old and on close inspection it's showing its age here and there! But I didn't want an immaculate machine - just something fun to putter about on.
Annoyingly my other half has lost our gate buzzer so it's going nowhere until a replacement arrives next week. Gutted, as I have a few hours spare now.
Also glad I bought a cover as a cat has pissed on it. Reality sets in...
Thanks! I've just got back from a meeting and had my first proper poke around. It's 14 years old and on close inspection it's showing its age here and there! But I didn't want an immaculate machine - just something fun to putter about on.
Annoyingly my other half has lost our gate buzzer so it's going nowhere until a replacement arrives next week. Gutted, as I have a few hours spare now.
Also glad I bought a cover as a cat has pissed on it. Reality sets in...