If you know nothing about it then the RHS have a good page on it (am on my phone and it doesn't like the RHS website).
It's highly invasive, horrible stuff that will take a few years of work to eradicate. Glyphosate is the best weed killer to use, but the waste is a controlled waste so needs to be disposed of at a licensed landfill site. You can burnt it onsite though.
@bothwell that's not knotweed, the leaves are the wrong shape and arranged wrong. Don't know what it is though.
In other news, I harvested my first rhubarb over the weekend. Crumbletastic!
I have inherited a very large, very overgrown garden. The bottom is a nightmare snarl of brambles, holly, random bricks and blocks, hacked-down trees, ivy, trees that have been choked to death by ivy, etc etc.
The job of tidying it up is too big for me to do, so obviously I'm wasting time fannying about with inconsequentialities instead. Which leads me to my question: can anyone identify this woody-stemmed twining thing? It's so aggressive it's helping the ivy take down an entire tree and has even managed to choke out some brambles.
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