Hmm, it's a backwards step in function and design really. Yes, the simplicity of 1 port but they lose the brilliant magsafe - which I'm sure has saved my MBP many spills. Then you need a dongle with extra ports? WTF - this isn't a neat solution. It's like all the old windows based ultrabooks that are sleek and thin but you have to carry a poorly designed 2Kg power transformer with you.
What happens when Bluetooth doesn't work (which is always) or you can't connect to wifi? And you've left the dongle at home? at least 1 USB port wouldn't have hurt.
Hmm, it's a backwards step in function and design really. Yes, the simplicity of 1 port but they lose the brilliant magsafe - which I'm sure has saved my MBP many spills. Then you need a dongle with extra ports? WTF - this isn't a neat solution. It's like all the old windows based ultrabooks that are sleek and thin but you have to carry a poorly designed 2Kg power transformer with you.
What happens when Bluetooth doesn't work (which is always) or you can't connect to wifi? And you've left the dongle at home? at least 1 USB port wouldn't have hurt.