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  • On Saturday my personal battle against the wind (SW 5 Bft) was on; rode on top of the dikes along the river Maas to a mate's place to watch the Strade Bianche race and to have a great meal and beers. Managed to get a respectable avg of about 31 kph - and slightly wobbly legs after.

    On Sunday there was the short way home, refrained from putting pressure on the pedals (and my head ;-)) I took the scenic route, absolutely lovely especially in 17 degree C weather, the first really nice and warm spring day this year, yay!

    This mixed surface bike path is part of the 'NAP long distance cycle route' (no. 9 in this list of all routes available in GPX format) which takes you along the 'waterline' that would be formed if all dikes would break and half our country would be flooded.


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