• #11177
Wasn't it the one where Jean Luc Picard told Harry Potter to 'Trust in the Force'?
• #11178
About what? Replicas?
• #11179
Ida – winner of a thing at the 2015 Academy Awards.
Every shot is as if from a Magnum exhibition. It looks great.
It's totally dull though. Completely tedious.
2/10Love is Strange
About couple who have to test their friendships.
Brilliant acting, smart and funny, the best score I've heard in ages.
8/10 -
• #11180
Whiplash is much less shit than i anticipated
• #11181
black sea. worth a pilfer. includes ben mendelson.
• #11182
Love Is Strange. always enjoy Lithgow. nice little slice of life
Duke of Burgundy. photography beautiful. nice little cycle of life.
• #11183
Before the fall (2004) German drama about a teenager that gets accepted into a Nazi elite school. Bit slow to start, but once things get dark it packs a punch.
• #11184
So is Chappie any good? I mean, it looks good, but some of the reviews aren't great.
• #11185
really wanna see It Follows but Mrs EB doesn't do supernatural/horror :/
• #11186
The Guardian loved It Follows, saw it as an AIDS metaphor. You unwittingly sleep with someone and a horrible zombie follows you at walking pace, the only way to shed the curse is to pass it on by sleeping with someone else..
• #11187
One can empathise. Friend of mine has the poster quote and he hasn't stopped raving about it. But partner has no interest. Boo. Trying to work out squeezing in a daytime showing somewhere before it goes out the cinema.
• #11188
It's some great reviews. I'm seeing a late showing this coming week.
Someone needs to tell The Guardian you can't shed AIDS tho...
• #11189
Birdman. Ticks all the Oscar boxes, technically well done, pacing good but meh, felt more like a movie to talk about theatre / movies / art criticism than something that really engages you with the characters.
Too bad, some things were interesting but too much pretentiousness IMHO.
• #11190
I quite enjoyed Chappie,the other half did not because it depicted quite how nasty humans can be. I thought her reaction actually indicated how well the film made her empathise with the robot.
• #11191
Short film my mate made:
• #11192
Watched Kingsmen at the cinema on Friday. Meh, didn't hate it but it was fairly stupid, +1 point for Samuel L Jackson with a lisp.
• #11194
^ I really enjoyed this Coen Bros flick from 2013.
A portrait of a scumbag/musician. Very funny, great characters and sounds fantastic with some casual Bob Dylon.
• #11195
Yup, we covered that one back in Screason '13...
• #11196
Is this like the porn thread where reposts are frowned upon?
Quick...summon tester... ;)
• #11197
there's a porn thread???
\uses tfs
• #11198
You covered me enjoying it?
• #11199
This should be the place to ask...
I've got a film I'm trying to remember (and I don't know why) but I can't. It's donkey's years old (40+). It is a sort of Phantom of the Opera/Faustian tale if I'm remembering correctly . The star was, as far as I can remember, quite famous for the time (late 70s?) and quite short with longish blond hair. He seemed to fall out of favour or maybe he died young-ish. I can't remember so can anybody help. -
• #11200
Beastmaster. Marc Singer.
Harrison Ford is to appear in a new film about replicants.
Im sure its never been done before