I'm going to have a bash at this if i'm not working, 13 stop filter is required with an aperture of f22 and as fast a shutter speed your camera can handle.
Luckily i have a 10 stop and an nd8 so stacked should be just the job
Will post results if it's not cloudy but the chances of that in Manchester are pretty slim!
Make sure you double check the filters. ND filters are intended for the visible spectrum, but sunlight contains lots of UV/IR that the filters might not reduce.
I'm going to have a bash at this if i'm not working, 13 stop filter is required with an aperture of f22 and as fast a shutter speed your camera can handle.
Luckily i have a 10 stop and an nd8 so stacked should be just the job
Will post results if it's not cloudy but the chances of that in Manchester are pretty slim!