I understand people not liking others to post their own bikes as porn. But again: I don't see my wife's Vitus as porn, nor did I post the photo of it because I think it belongs here. I was just throwing another Vitus on top of other Vitus bikes I don't consider to be porn... For me, Vitus is very "ordinary" - our Belgian cyclocross-scene was full of them in the early 90's, thanks to Guerciotti, Alan and many others who bought Vitus-frames and sold them with their name on it. The reason they have become rare is that most of the ones that were really used to race, broke after a while... (my brother ruined 2 of them in less than 1 season).
The equivalent of rolling your eyes and saying "oooh! touchy!": guaranteed to wind anyone up.
@WimVDD People don't normally post their own bikes in here because it's immodest. However, people love it when you post your own bike so they can make you feel stupid for doing so. Personally I liked your white vitus.