Go for the op and make sure to do the physio afterwards. Don't be too hasty getting back on the bike, and leave it in the sling for as long as advised by the doc.
With physio I started very slowly with resting the affected arm on a wall, and "creeping" up it and then slowly lowering it down with my fingers. Later, once you're onto the TheraBands, it becomes less monotonous.
14 weeks in after Lockdown and it feels strong. Been on the turbo no problems. Should be fine to cycle now but waiting for the next physio appointment in a week or so for them to confirm it. Might seem a long time to wait, but I screwed up one op so not taking any risks this time.
One more month off work and in a sling but I have been referred for physio. I have no idea when that will actually start but if I'm still not happy after the next four weeks, the consultant is happy to push forward and just operate. (Which is my preferred option really.)