Good work.
I wasn't really sure how it works with the FWC and neither was the organiser at the finish, but I am not really bothered about it being credited to me "officially" as a fixed ride anyway.
Don't worry, it's done on honesty. At the end of the year just let the FWC organiser know which rides you did on fixed (or which rides from your results you didn't do on fixed, if that's easier). I rarely bother getting my FWC card signed nowadays.
I'll definitely be looking to do some more Audaxes, and really enjoyed doing it on my fixed as its my favourite bike really but that will be route permitting.
Nice one. Another fixed rider. It's quite nice having the FWC card as it's a bit like a passport full of visas. You can still get your points without it as @Greenbank says but I quite like the blank look I get sometimes when after I've presented the ride brevet I ask them to fill out the FWC one.
Yesterday I did my first Audax, the Newport 200km. Rode to the start and back as well, which ended up being 240km which is quite comfortably my longest ever day ride. Had a really good time, despite some really minging weather on the second quarter of the ride and some problems with my navigation systems. Decided to do it on the fixed because the ride description said only 750m of ascent, it actually turned out to be more like 1500m, but my legs were fine really even at the end. I did get pain in my wrists and neck a fair bit, probably due to quite a lot of saddle to bar drop on my "track" bike, also my arse hurt as it always does on long rides, I've yet to find that perfect saddle.
In response to someone who asked about using a route sheet, I found it surprisingly easy really. However for a while my speedo packed up which made it a lot more difficult as I had to try to guess the distances between turns. Eventually it started clocking km's again and although the count wasn't the same as the route sheet a bit of maths after each turn did the job (this became harder to keep track of when chatting to people and near the end when tired).
I'll definitely be looking to do some more Audaxes, and really enjoyed doing it on my fixed as its my favourite bike really but that will be route permitting. I wasn't really sure how it works with the FWC and neither was the organiser at the finish, but I am not really bothered about it being credited to me "officially" as a fixed ride anyway.