Sorry Vince, we're connecting local customers with local independent merchants. Not actually carrying stock ourselves.
You should check out the many lists of importers available on the web. The more grower champagne the better! (folks- this is as opposed to mass marketed champagnes like Moet that cost little to make, aren't all that good, but that big marketing and big business has made everyone believe to be worth £30+ per bottle).
Before anyone takes the piss these are family businesses from all over Europe, often run by many generations of the same family. It is Tesco and the biggest retailers you need to aim your scepticism at - they are squeezing as much out of the industry as they possibly can. We are working with the independent merchants to lead the fight back - not exactly vintage bordeaux, but rather good quality wines that are a slight premium to the supermarket.
@user53285 Do you need to add grower Champagne to your supplier's list?
I have just started importing my family Champagne to the UK.
http://www.lasseaux.com (food pairing is detailed in the technical note in 'Our Range')
Let me know if this is something of interest for you and your business.