After finishing the Champagne Campaign and I still having space for N+1 I made an investment in the frame below. Im thinking about attempting regular training over the next few months and having a go at a few TT's. Main objective is an aesthetically pleasing but functional and light bike for short TT's showing an appreciation for 'old school' builds but with a 'new school' feel.
Im thinking to keep it simple with all black parts (more aero) and attempt to keep the weight as low as possible. But also, as I have only used clips an straps I think its time to invest an go clipless on this build. Want some shoes that are plain and simple with a classic look, nothing too extreme, not flouro etc. Something like plain adidas 3 stripes black and white kinda thing. Will be putting some sort of disque wheel on the rear and hopefully something like a Corima 4 spoke or matching disques for lolz.
Aero chainring might be a possibility, stronglight delta would be great but dont think its worth the going rate atm. Im thinking of a fiberlyte chainring or M2quadro but would depend on cranks. Was thinking about saving up for sugino 75DD but lets see how much overtime is available next month.
Evenin' all..
After finishing the Champagne Campaign and I still having space for N+1 I made an investment in the frame below. Im thinking about attempting regular training over the next few months and having a go at a few TT's. Main objective is an aesthetically pleasing but functional and light bike for short TT's showing an appreciation for 'old school' builds but with a 'new school' feel.
Im thinking to keep it simple with all black parts (more aero) and attempt to keep the weight as low as possible. But also, as I have only used clips an straps I think its time to invest an go clipless on this build. Want some shoes that are plain and simple with a classic look, nothing too extreme, not flouro etc. Something like plain adidas 3 stripes black and white kinda thing. Will be putting some sort of disque wheel on the rear and hopefully something like a Corima 4 spoke or matching disques for lolz.
Aero chainring might be a possibility, stronglight delta would be great but dont think its worth the going rate atm. Im thinking of a fiberlyte chainring or M2quadro but would depend on cranks. Was thinking about saving up for sugino 75DD but lets see how much overtime is available next month.
Anyways, TLDR; HHSTTB }}>>>