I agree with @M_V : cycling with glasses on is a massive pain, in my experience.
They are always fogging up, or getting covered in mud, or covered in drops of water (which will then diffract light from headlights at night, rendering my vision close to useless).
Sadly I have a prism in my prescription so using contacts isn't possible, and I can't see without the glasses. Long term I am on a waiting list for some eye surgery or other intervention to mend my squint.
I agree with @M_V : cycling with glasses on is a massive pain, in my experience.
They are always fogging up, or getting covered in mud, or covered in drops of water (which will then diffract light from headlights at night, rendering my vision close to useless).
Sadly I have a prism in my prescription so using contacts isn't possible, and I can't see without the glasses. Long term I am on a waiting list for some eye surgery or other intervention to mend my squint.