Ah, the good old KE-Jet - return it to full mechanical function and it will be more reliable and can be tuned by tweaking a few screws. Just make sure all the vacuum lines work as intended.
If it's the same system as a Volvo 760 with the PRV then I had a similar issue once. Also on a Peugeot 505 - although that would randomly start revving when it got hot in traffic.
It'll be something to do with a lambda sensor, airflow sensor or even mixture screw. Search the web for diagrams and have a look yourself.
Or spend the money on a full electric fuel system and pay someone to set it up - if the rest of the car is sound it's be a sound investment.
BTW, I'm no mechanic but I didn't find it too hard to keep a couple of old cars with these systems running. Can be a massive PITA though
If anyone is an expert with Bosch KE Jetronic that would help.
If I just replaced every single component it could possibly be, from fuel pumps to fuel distributor then it might actually come cheaper than diagnosing it properly.
I was always going to sell this car in April anyway, but as I need something reliable right now, I am tempted to bring it forward. It just means taking out a car loan or sticking to a £4k snotter.