• #27
(Also, to a lesser degree: https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/165422/)
• #28
What was that guy who was on here and pretended to die called?
few days old but same thing happened here.
• #29
• #30
And, come to think of it, the above is more like the Epiphania saga. :)
• #31
They could even be the same person.
• #32
give a coke head a juicy fat line
of salt -
• #33
Actual LOL
• #34
try it, see the greedy cunts chemical reaction, crushed rock salt looks best and helps if they're half cut, best way to stop 'em chattin' shit all night imho
• #35
What was the name?"
Yes. Good. Well done. You should correct their ignorance.
One day I'm going to get a job at Starbucks and every time some says 'Can I get a ...' I will reply 'No you cannot. But wait there and I will get it for you'.
• #36
One day I'm going to get a job at Starbucks and every time some says 'Can I get a ...' I will reply 'No you cannot. Just get out , and get a life"
• #37
Heading off to work this morning On my mountain bike that I gave to my mum.... so its set up all wrong for me. Didn't have time to sort it wo headed off. Got to the first turn and took it wide to avoid a bin lorry. BLACK ICE TROLL. front wheel went from under me, tried to correct it and snapped the wheel the other way and I came a cropper. Bin men found it proper funny once they new I was ok. Thank god for helmets though.
• #38
I like the official looking warning signs over taps that say CAUTION! VERY COLD WATER!
A bloke at work knocked some up and they always make me laugh.
Messing with peoples milk in the fridge is also a winner. Folk are very tribal with their dairy shit. Just rename everything, or swap the lids from the single pints with the four pints. Watch the vicious milk war unfold before your eyes.
Turning out the lights in the toilets when someone is taking a shit is a good wheeze. (needs bogs with no windows, of course) Wait a minute or two until they're shuffling out of the cubicle holding their pants at half mast to turn the light back on, then barge in and stare at them in horror and revulsion.
Oh, and take a bite out of every apple you find.
• #39
If someone leaves their screen unlocked, ctrl+alt+cursor key will flip the screen in that direction. Ctrl+alt+down is my favourite. You can also use the alt gr key+cursor key to enact this trick.
Watching people who don't know the shortcut craning their necks while trying to use their now inverted mouse is hilarious.
• #40
^ this is fun on a two screen setup as it generally just flips the primary monitor.
• #41
Still can't believe Lynchman's bollocks fell off (might have just been one of them tbf), poor poor guy
• #42
So reminisce, such uni computer room times, many "porn viewing alert" wow.
• #43
Happened on a football forum I frequent. "A boxing champion and self-made millionaire, he had married a Bollywood star and obtained no less than four university degrees" before his untimely death from testicular cancer.
It's a hearts forum, but a hibs fan jumped out of a plane for charity in this guy's non-existent memory.
The guy was a total slaver so I just ignored his posts, but he hooked a load of people. It was after his "death" that more people were conned. The unravelling of it all was hilarious though. Sadly the actual thread is lost to the mists of time, but this was an after the event recounting of the story:
http://www.hmfckickback.co.uk/index.php?/topic/24696-not-the-irvine-jambo/ -
• #44
This is only marginally trolly, as I read it as a gentle correction of a careless slip, for which I was grateful, but then I started worrying about the number of times people refer to the River Avon, given that Avon means river.
• #45
Swop the ""M" & "N" keys over. They pop off quite easily on most office type keyboards.
I saw a colleague do it to his line manager, who wasn't the nicest person. It took days for him to work out what was wrong.
• #46
Used to do this at school. Not sure if it can really apply: when the screen says control +alt+delete there's a menu where yoyu can make it so it reads everything out. You can also muck up the screen saturation using the monitor settings.
Just unplugging someone's computer works well I find as they don't expect it and just think its broken. -
• #47
One can also have a lot of fun by taking the projector remote during a presentation.
• #48
Now, go and think very hard about what you've done.
• #49
In fact, haven't we done this whole thread before? microcosm needs more merge..
• #50
Turning out the lights in the toilets when someone is taking a shit is a good wheeze. (needs bogs with no windows, of course) Wait a minute or two until they're shuffling out of the cubicle holding their pants at half mast to turn the light back on, then barge in and stare at them in horror and revulsion.>
I use to know a apple key board short cut to open all the applications on the computer. That was always good fun.