Heading off to work this morning On my mountain bike that I gave to my mum.... so its set up all wrong for me. Didn't have time to sort it wo headed off. Got to the first turn and took it wide to avoid a bin lorry. BLACK ICE TROLL. front wheel went from under me, tried to correct it and snapped the wheel the other way and I came a cropper. Bin men found it proper funny once they new I was ok. Thank god for helmets though.
Heading off to work this morning On my mountain bike that I gave to my mum.... so its set up all wrong for me. Didn't have time to sort it wo headed off. Got to the first turn and took it wide to avoid a bin lorry. BLACK ICE TROLL. front wheel went from under me, tried to correct it and snapped the wheel the other way and I came a cropper. Bin men found it proper funny once they new I was ok. Thank god for helmets though.