Yes. Good. Well done. You should correct their ignorance.
One day I'm going to get a job at Starbucks and every time some says 'Can I get a ...' I will reply 'No you cannot. But wait there and I will get it for you'.Oooh the 'can I get' thing bugs the shit out if me. I had a similar thing with a manager at a job who incessantly (even after I pointedly asked her not to) would say 'Can we make a copy of that for Joe Bloggs'. I was the VT guy and she was a client bod. I made the tapes. Lots and lots of tapes. I never once saw her make a tape, either on her own or doing it with me.
Person at reception/call centre/wherever asking me to identify myself with a question I find really strange:
"What was the name?"
To which I usually feign bewilderment:
"Me? You mean what was my name? What was it? Oh, well it was Loretta. But now it's Ben."
I am a pedantic cunt and I claim my £5.