For 1/2 marathon distance I take one gel 10 minutes before the start of the race and then nothing passes my lips for the race. I found that I got no improvement from taking on water or gels but there was a good chance they'd give me a stitch or make me want to puke.
Marathons I can stomach one before and two ISO gels during, anymore and I'm back to stitches and puking after 18/20 miles.
For 1/2 marathon distance I take one gel 10 minutes before the start of the race and then nothing passes my lips for the race. I found that I got no improvement from taking on water or gels but there was a good chance they'd give me a stitch or make me want to puke.
Marathons I can stomach one before and two ISO gels during, anymore and I'm back to stitches and puking after 18/20 miles.