• #2
I have but I'm waiting on a court date or letter to say they won't be prosecuting so am unsure if I can comment more.
• #3
Sure, I understand. I'm interested to hear from as many as possible.
• #4
£789,300 fine handed in 2013 just so the police can created awareness to those who ride a bicycles.
Fuck me.
I like the part where they don't have the cost of the driving offence because the Evening Standard doesn't think it's important.
• #5
But cycling in London is so much safer now...
• #6
I like the part where they don't have the cost of the driving offence because the Evening Standard doesn't think it's important.
Motorists (9,733 FPNs or reports for summons)
Contravening traffic signals = 1,056
Using a phone while driving = 2,424
Failing to wear a seatbelt = 2,437
Driving without due care = 87
Driving in a cycle lane = 42
Other (can include driving without insurance and faults with vehicle) = 3,687 -
• #7
Road.cc in piss-poor journalism shocker.
• #8
I mean the police.
A Metropolitan police spokesman told road.cc that figures for the number of drivers fined in that period were not available because the Evening Standard had asked only about cyclists.
• #9
This point still stands, Ed
Road.cc in piss-poor journalism shocker.
The police published the figures in January. Road.cc reported on this in January.
• #10
Gotcha, did not clock that.
• #11
If anyone reads the above I got a nice letter to say they pussied out and are doing jack shit.
• #12
operation safeway, what a fucking joke, just another bullshit scheme to generate revenue for the police corporation. you know they fiddle the numbers.
• #14
just another bullshit scheme to generate revenue for the police corporation.
Actually, it doesn't.
• #15
scheme to generate revenue for the police corporation
Except that's not where the money goes...
• #16
operation safeway, what a fucking joke, just another bullshit scheme to generate revenue for the police corporation. you know they fiddle the numbers.>
To get an idea of the target dominated world we're in watch this:
The Trap; Fuck you buddy
Vol 1 of 3
• #17
Here we go again -
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-31478073 .
On a sober note, I can't believe that 29 people have been killed on London's roads in the last 6 weeks. While the black logo shocks me every time I see it, if it were extended to all folk killed on our local roads it would have been black nearly everyday.
Stay safe out there, however you're going about your business.
• #18
All over E&C this morning.
How much bike training do the boys in blue get? I ask because this morning, while the cab driver and I stopped at a single ped crossing which a ped crossed the boys in blue continue through the crossing chatting away.
• #19
Six hundred officers on the road.
• #20
If only they can do this daily, like y'know, actually police the road as they should.
• #22
The effects of sending out plain clothes officers (or at least non-obvious policemen; perhaps a badge worn on the chest?) on bikes could be phenomenal. Anyone who’s seen even a few of these sorts of videos will be familiar with the abuse – normally verbal but sometimes physical – that is dished out. Those who’ve gestured or spoken to drivers to admonish them for using a phone will be familiar with the same abuse.
Now, if the people of London – whether in a car or on a bike – were aware that there were plain clothes officers out on bikes, maybe they’d think twice about passing dangerously, about left hooking them or opening their door into them. Maybe they’d think twice about texting or phoning or reading a book whilst driving. Maybe they’d think twice about reacting with verbal or physical assaults when challenged.
He's onto something.
• #23
I like how the article says this:
The force said it would specifically focus on people using mobile phones whilst driving, speeding, failing to wear seat belts and on vehicle defects.
...while choosing to illustrate the article with pictures of Police chatting to or keeping an eye on cyclists...
• #24
It'll be interesting to see who gets stopped given this quote
"The force said it would specifically focus on people using mobile phones whilst driving, speeding, failing to wear seat belts and on vehicle defects."
Aren't somewhere between 80 - 100% of HGVs found to be defective when there stopped ?
• #25
Never seen a cyclist with a seatbelt, nothing wrong with the quote...
I am interested to hear from anyone who thinks they have been victimised by Police or fined without discretion.