This is me. so take this With a pinch of salt. But I think the negative bit of Processing milk is the homogenization of the fat content. Which is much the same process whichever fat Level you choose. Something to do With breaking Down the suspended fat particles from the emulsion accoring to my father-inlaw. That last bit seems a bi bollocksie to me though. Milk isnt going to make it through you gut as a stable emulsin anyway. Proved by the classic Experiment involvng chuggng a pint of milk followed by a pint of acidic orange juice while fighting a hangover. Then throwing up watery Orange coloured cottage cheese. Science
I'm old enough to remember silver top. Full fat milk With the cream separate and floating on the top. Soyoucould decant it onto Your Shreddies. Always used to get bolloked for opening 3/4 bottles at once to decant ALL THE CREAM.
I'd say reducing intake of artificial sweetners is a smart move regardless of whether or not you think they make you fat. I get my fill from all the sport suppliments I chuck in myself. So I avoid sweetened Food and drinks in my everyday diet.
.....is this why those massive People you see in the burger king Queue. That order everything on the menu, super-sized. Then order a diet coke. Are fat?