• #477
This morning's commute was brought to you by Jay Z's Blueprint album...
• #478
Last three purchases were Ratatat - Classics, Justice - † and Beatles - Revolver. Continuing my electro-rock-ambient-etc binge
• #479
I don't mind either, newer stuff for how heavy it is, but i quite like black flag inspired stuff too!
@TomvanHalen havent listened to ratatat in ages! Queue listening to them now!
• #480
Converge, Terror, Botch?
Been listening to them quite a lot recently, in between listening to Slayer - Angel of Death and Napalm Death's new album on repeat that is ;)
I haven't listened to Ratatat in years, I have a really good remix album of theirs but the name's escaped me
• #481
Terror, trash talk that sorta thing. Also been listening to a bit of stoner metal, Suma they're pretty groovy
• #482
Fiona's been away for the past few days, so I've been cranking Pallbearer, Mastodon, Sleep and Fuck Buttons at proper volume while I can!
• #483
Also totally different end of the spectrum, but Nick Drake's Pink Moon remains one of the greatest British albums of all time; it's so perfect for winter evenings.
• #485
Last night I went to sleep with the Les Miserables original soundtrack on...
...this is turning into the confessions thread!
• #486
Mastodon and Fuck Buttons are both A+
• #487
Converge and Botch are two of my most favourite bands! Finally got around to seeing Converge last year at Scala, the sound wasn't too great but I enjoyed them nonetheless. Any love for Coalesce? Another one of my all time favourites.
• #489
Converge are definitely in my top 5! Haven't listened to Coalesce though
• #490
Trash Talk, I was actually scared when I saw them live, the singer is mental. Great band though.
I have also been playing the Pallbearer LP at obscene volumes, plus the last Covan and Triptykon LPs. I recently received all the Nasum reissues through the post but haven't got round to listening to them again.
The American Nightmare back catalogue has been on heavy rotation when I'm at the gym as all the other albums on my iphone seem to have stopped working!
• #491
Haven't listened to Trash Talk in a looong time
• #492
If you're into Converge and Botch then I'm pretty sure you'd dig Coalesce! '0:12 Revolution in Just Listening' is pretty immense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDi2Q5s9ri8
• #493
Nice, I'll listen when I'm home, not sure the rest of the office would appreciate it (@thross might!)
• #495
On My Own is a fucking tune.
• #496
Ha. When you said hardcore I was envisaging white gloves, dutch gabba and 'interesting' facial contortions at 3am in a cow shed in north Norfolk.
You'll lot are far too metal...except that luvvie Chris. :0
• #497
Current faves are Sohn 'Tremors', Damon Albarn 'Everyday Robots' and the last Mogwai album.
• #498
Hahahaha that sounds fun too haha
• #499
I often think I would like to start a bar that just serves bourbon and plays Iron Monkey. Upstairs is a gym which is just an empty room. Workout sessions consist of seeing how long you can dance to 200+bpm gabba.
• #500
While I remember, you should all check out King Parrot. Try the "shit on the liver" vid on youtube.
As in 'modern' hardcore or hardcore punk?