I had spirometry to measure forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and the forced vital capacity (FVC) - the total amount that can be forcibly breathed out.
This is a before & after test, with the after being 12 or so puffs on a salbutamol inhaler, and a 15 minute wait*.
I had something like a 15 %- 20% increase incapacity after using the puffer.
It's very rare that I have an attack, and it's exercise induced (other that when the air quality is shitty), so I avoid using it and train without an inhaler.
I tend to race without too, but only because I forget where I put it.
* Which had me shaking like a meth head going cold turkey.
Did. Not. Feel. Good.
Code for "my TUE for salbutamol is sorted, i'm totes gonna rip it up this year, bitches!"
How do you measure it? Get on a bike and then exhale into a special machine?