• Tests early January Vs early February

    Bike CP20 test
    Average power: 252w => 276w *
    estimated FTP: 239w => 262w

    Swim CSS test
    200mTT: 2:52.1 => 2:52.6
    400mTT: 6:06:0 => 6:03.6
    CSS: 1:36.9 => 1.35.5

    Run VDOT test
    2mile (3.2km) TT: 11:50.0 => 11:52.5
    VDOT: 53 => 52

    *January's CP20 test was a disaster and I blew far earlier than I'd have expected so we ignored it and continued using my FTP as calculated from summer TTs (CP20 = 295w / e.FTP = 280w, CP60 = 278w), however that is clearly an overestimate at the moment. This test I felt better and paced it better and so I think it's a reasonably accurate reflection of my current position. Looking forward to my first TT of the year though as I always perform better with a number pinned on.


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