Well I've hoarded this for a long while and never got around to building it so I think it's time to pass it on.
58cm TT ctc
59cm ST ctc
There's an email from Somec saying it likely dates from '75-80 and is made from Columbus SP.
The frame is rather fine, with long elegant lugs, classic Somec tulip cutouts everywhere and some gorgeous little details.
It has a campag headset and BB fitted.
It's straight with no dings but the coloured part of the cromovelato paint has flaked away a bit, particularly along the TT.
Campag dropouts.
£350. Collect from Grantham or London. Don't fancy posting.
Well I've hoarded this for a long while and never got around to building it so I think it's time to pass it on.
58cm TT ctc
59cm ST ctc
There's an email from Somec saying it likely dates from '75-80 and is made from Columbus SP.
The frame is rather fine, with long elegant lugs, classic Somec tulip cutouts everywhere and some gorgeous little details.
It has a campag headset and BB fitted.
It's straight with no dings but the coloured part of the cromovelato paint has flaked away a bit, particularly along the TT.
Campag dropouts.
£350. Collect from Grantham or London. Don't fancy posting.