Having a clear out of the random bits and bobs I seem to have accumulated. I'm not sure how some of the bits even ended up in my box. Anyways, one big pic below cos I'm lazy. If you need closer up of anything give me a nudge. Any prices wildly off let me know.
Pick up between Putney (home) and Central (work in Westminster but don't mind popping out on the bike at lunch/after). Postage possible.
Onza fixed/free hub. New in box. 110 old. Sealed bearings. 32 holes. Low flanges. Built for skewers. No idea how it came into my possession. £10, now £5.
TA Alize Specialties Track 46 tooth chainring. 130bcd. Seen light use. Teeth have some marks; face of the chainring is near perfect. £25 now £20, now £15
Shimano DXR sproket, 16 tooth. Used once. For converting cassette hub to single speed. £3
2x Mavic xm119 26inch disk rims. New. One is 32h the other 36. Abandoned project. £10 each or both for £15. Now £8 each or both for £12
Maxxis detonator tyre. 26 x 1.25. The 60tpi version. New. £10.
Spokes. New. 40 of them with nipples. 250mm. Think they are the standard halo ones from JE James. £5 for the lot.
2x Kenda Happy Medium 29er tyres. They're these ones: rosebikes.co.uk/article/kenda-happy-medium-sport-k-1083a-mtb-tyre/aid:798828?gclid=CL3P0JOxh8YCFc_ItAod9zkAqw - £10 each
Having a clear out of the random bits and bobs I seem to have accumulated. I'm not sure how some of the bits even ended up in my box. Anyways, one big pic below cos I'm lazy. If you need closer up of anything give me a nudge. Any prices wildly off let me know.
Pick up between Putney (home) and Central (work in Westminster but don't mind popping out on the bike at lunch/after). Postage possible.
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