If you have a no-load credit card (Halifax clarity and post office spring to mind) with no FX load and no fees then stick it all on there (always opt to pay in dollars if the card machine lets you choose).
If you have a reasonable debit card (no FX load, 1.5% fee or similar) then get a load of cash out at a machine that doesn't charge.
If you've neither then look at prepaid or loads of cash
this place, though it appears to be dodge as fuck as always been pretty good value when I've got dollars. Obviously the more you buy the better rate you get too, to an extent.
Quick one, what's the best way to take advantage of the exchange rate when travelling?
Heading to New York for work end of next week, and am going to take advantage of the strong pound, so pay for everything on credit card? Take out pounds here and exchange over there? Exchange at airport?
Let me know..