• #752
There are many such Dilla-ness, though tho is a good mellow one
No-one commenting on the badass?
• #753
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=922347547805159&id=185180654855189 some good music in the comments
• #754
Anyone at J Dilla changed my life tonight?
• #755
What are people's recommendations on new(ish) hip hop?
I've been listening to N.A.S.A, Demon Queen and Sisyphus recently but just realised almost 99% of what I listen to is pre 1995....
• #756
Not HipHop, but I didn't fancy starting a Grime thread... or maybe I should have. Anyway, enjoyed this little mix:
• #757
After a week of business in Atlanta.. Plus checking out legendary venues Opera, Sweet Georgia Jazz Joint and Pink Pony strip club, Eating Peach Cobbler and explaining the rules of cricket and what it's like cycling in London to our US counterparts, drinking fireball shots, grandmar-yeahs and crown on the rocks..
It's good to be home, y'all
A xx -
• #758
Eating Peach Cobbler and explaining the rules of cricket! nice styles.
welcome back Al -
• #761
always prefered this as an instrumental, great beat
• #763
This has been my track of the day/week/month. I've been loving Jedi Mind Tricks recently and found RA The Rugged Man through this deep track, the lyrics are based on RA's fathers experiences in Vietnam and I can't help but draw parallels to the many military conflicts going on today.
• #764
Track of the day for me.
• #765
J Elec is playing koko mid march, tickets still avalable be quick!
• #767
Been listening to Sour Soul for the last couple of days. So good.
• #768
I was introduced to the sounds of The Four Owls the other day and I'm hooked. Check out their new album Natural Order if you get down with this.
• #769
Nice one great track - Jedi Mind Tricks , cheers
Danger ! a classic
^ reminds me of cosmic gypsies track, will check out more of four owls
• #770
It's a stretch, but any of you catch Kanye the other night? The write ups and YouTube videos make it sound epic.
Don't get on whether you like him or not. Don't care. Would have been awesome to see.
• #771
/\ /\ Four owls are good, i see them at boombap festival last year. V good!
• #772
meh sounds like it's 15 years old.
• #775
been following Paul Nice on Mixcloud for a while, and he and DJ Toast have a weekly rap show/mixtape going. It's been heavy for a while, but they just broke out the Biggie Tribute Mix so thought I'd post it up..