Will be probably heading to Peckham Friday after work, about 7. I think you'll need your accreditation card though to go to the Rock Up and Ride sessions. Next accreditation session is Feb 15th 9.30-13.00, they're coached and really good. Means you can then ride the track whenever it's open for Rock Up and Ride.
..If you need your BMX fix sooner, I'm riding the Lee Valley track this Saturday, one of the taster sessions. There's spaces still if you fancy that? Means you'd get your accreditation to ride the Skillz session there in March that @pootsmanuva is planning, which is going to be super fun! :)
Any more sessions in the pipeline? I really want to have a go! I haz bike/helmet/pads (courtesy of jimbilly!) but I've never ridden bmx track before...