I'd describe myself as running hot... But really it's just that at 17stone I have a lower (should that be higher?) volume to surface area ratio than smaller people.
Can get cold standing around and stuff, but if I go straight from a warm room to exercising, it would need to be well below zero for it to bother me.
Five minutes into running or cycling I will be dripping with sweat... With running anything more than shorts, a tshirt and gloves is uncomfortable, and ten minutes into a run I will need to take the gloves off. I'm not that fast a runner.On the bike I wear long sleeves and leggings below say 6 degrees, didn't use gloves until five years ago at all, now I wear them all the time. For about ten minutes after a ride I will continue to drip with sweat.
It doesn't stop me so long as it's not hot and I can get enough liquid in me. Although balancing the right clothes for social situations and not turning up drenched is hard.
To all the people running hot:
What are the signs/symptoms of this hotness? Sweat and such?
Does the hotness prevent you from continuing to exercise?
Does this happen when you do other forms of exercise?
What are your temperature expectations? Did you start the ride cold?