It's 2 and a bit km to get to the track, which is in a big field basically in the middle of nowhere overlooking the Thames and the start of the chilterns, sunny day, and despite a pretty heavy week of training, feeling strong.
Plan was to be doing 15 minutes at threshold (which for the moment is 3:59 kms) so 96 seconds per lap, managed that for 9 laps and was feeling pretty good so increased my pace for lap 10 down to 93 seconds and then did an extra lap in 81 secs. then trotted back to the office.
So good that I can feel and see the improvements that training is making...
I am down to be a pace maker for the Race your pace half for 1.25 @Pifko if you enter that I'll personally bully you into getting as close as you can!
just been for a f*&^&*g awesome run.
It's 2 and a bit km to get to the track, which is in a big field basically in the middle of nowhere overlooking the Thames and the start of the chilterns, sunny day, and despite a pretty heavy week of training, feeling strong.
Plan was to be doing 15 minutes at threshold (which for the moment is 3:59 kms) so 96 seconds per lap, managed that for 9 laps and was feeling pretty good so increased my pace for lap 10 down to 93 seconds and then did an extra lap in 81 secs. then trotted back to the office.
So good that I can feel and see the improvements that training is making...
I am down to be a pace maker for the Race your pace half for 1.25 @Pifko if you enter that I'll personally bully you into getting as close as you can!