So I've bought 2, got one off @074 (with a modern bianchi carbon fork) and then @PAPER_BOY offered me his with the original fork which is what I really wanted so had to buy that as well. I'm going to keep both for now, the first will be set up with a chris king headset and wound up fork the second will stay with the original fork. Pictures to come when they are built up. (Thankfully @twj's was too big for me otherwise I'd have had 3 on my hands.) I can stop pestering @Scully now! And the GTB is going to @duckland.
So I've bought 2, got one off @074 (with a modern bianchi carbon fork) and then @PAPER_BOY offered me his with the original fork which is what I really wanted so had to buy that as well. I'm going to keep both for now, the first will be set up with a chris king headset and wound up fork the second will stay with the original fork. Pictures to come when they are built up. (Thankfully @twj's was too big for me otherwise I'd have had 3 on my hands.) I can stop pestering @Scully now! And the GTB is going to @duckland.