Thanks for the recomendations. I'll take a look, though I suspect that the guitar won't merit a really good finish when it's done.
I've got a bunch of pics, they're all a bit iphone quality. Here's one of the current state of play, also not very good quality... I put the hardware on to see how it looks so it's not screwed down.
I was planing to have it sunburst. It's a neck through build and I bought the neck block and the wings from different suppliers - the wood doesn't match that well, though the difference is much less now I've started to sand it. I'll see how it looks - if they match then sunburst, if not then it'll be Olympic white. I think the white looks pretty classy on the new Firebirds, so I'm toying with that anyway.
The dust might just be a slight excuse, I could probably work around it. It's the first one I've made in my home 'workshop' ('shed'). I'm keen to get it done so I'm happy to pay someone to speed up that part of the process. I've done one a few years ago, and god the amount of sanding they need.
The next one (likely a strat) I'll take a lot more time over and probably finish myself.
A Firebird build, woah wait, i missed this... seriously... got pics?
Are you doing clear/sunburst? Sims Custom or Philippe Dubreuille would do a top job but they'd be the thick end of £400. Maybe even more in the case of Sims. Or does the dust thing really stop things? I did a few bodies and they came out pretty okay... takes weeks and weeks, but if you're doing sonic blue or surf green or something it'll be easy. Reranch forum for tips, nitro from Manchester Guitar Tech, wait for spring, then go for it... if sunburst though, I hear you...
@Apone sympathy lelz...
@>>>>>> Slivertoan... fiddy dollah...