• #33777
A lot of people in Brighton beg to differ
A lot of people in Brighton sound and read like a bunch of inbred fucking cretins.
• #33778
Well, the article does explain its reasoning; just selectively, it would appear.
• #33779
Relocated Londoners?
• #33781
Who realised it was a massive shithole and came back to the big smoke with their tails between their legs?
• #33782
i thought a lot of them were not breeders
• #33784
What do you expect, you're talking to a blank space, after all. :)
• #33785
I'm very disappointed that none of them are actually green.
• #33786
They should probably put a shrek in it.
• #33787
"High-resolution images"
Do u even pixl?
• #33788
^^aside: they shouldn't put a Shrek in it.
• #33789
For an orbiter, that's high resolution.
• #33790
I'm rewarding them with the possibility of changing their mind.
So you ridicule people with the aim of bringing them round to your way of thinking. How has this been working out so far?
• #33791
Pretty good, really. I've enjoyed it.
• #33792
Great! Are all the people you've converted to Atheism enjoying it too?
• #33793
You don't enjoy atheism, although it is good to know you are right.
• #33794
Winnie, Winnie, you're being the thing you're accusing him of. Do calm down chap.
• #33795
I don't think he is. I think he's more obliquely trying to get at "bullying people isn't nice or clever, even if you're an atheist and you think they are all really stupid for not being atheists". And he's right, IMO. I know lots of religious people, some of them are cunts, some of them are quite nice. I also know lots of atheists, and some of them are cunts and some of them are quite nice. I try to keep my value judgements of them as people separate from my value judgements of their beliefs (recognising that as humans we make value judgements all the time).
It's possible to disagree with somebody's beliefs without blundering about telling them they're ridiculous and don't deserve respect as human beings.
• #33796
I was trying not to ridicule him, but instead ask questions that made him look at his own reasoning. I don't think theres much chance of my changing his mind.
• #33797
I misinterpreted that last post, then.
Still, it might not be a nice thing to do but we don't all have to like one another. I don't think we should censor others just because we self censor ourselves, because it's too subjective a thing.
• #33798
The pope can piss off.
Every belief system is open to criticism, for example feminists get insulted on a daily basis, so do people that vote certain parties, what's so special about religious belief systems? F-all.
I'd rather see respectful dialogue, obv, and criticism of ideas, and not people. But your religion is an idea, and what you may find offensive is not offensive to others.
The religious groups shouting butthurt are usually the biggest assholes when it comes to other people (RCC and woman / gay rights is an example) so to ask for special treatment over beliefs while denying people rights is rather crass.
• #33799
Violence is not the answer.
• #33800
And then again, is religion and freedom of expression the real reason of this war, terrorism etc?
Or rather just an excuse used to manipulate people for cover a war of money and power between powers and allowing the racism of the yokels?
grauniad ran similar theme a year earlier: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/dec/15/greens-blown-it-in-brighton