So over the past week other bits came in in rapid succession. I've thrown money at the few bits i've already got, so I thought why not keep going with that theme... Took a leaf out of Hoke's book and blinged up the drive train with an EAI Gold Medal Pro cog (18t) and an Izumi super toughness. I think the little wallet the EAI sprocket comes in is super rad!
The tyres (Conti GP 4000 II, 25 front, 28 rear) and valve extenders came through the post so I threw them on too. My mates Haroon and Richard joined the party at the workshop!
So over the past week other bits came in in rapid succession. I've thrown money at the few bits i've already got, so I thought why not keep going with that theme... Took a leaf out of Hoke's book and blinged up the drive train with an EAI Gold Medal Pro cog (18t) and an Izumi super toughness. I think the little wallet the EAI sprocket comes in is super rad!
The tyres (Conti GP 4000 II, 25 front, 28 rear) and valve extenders came through the post so I threw them on too. My mates Haroon and Richard joined the party at the workshop!