Large quantities of fresh vegetables really help. Placing a large amount of food inside you makes you feel full simply from the volume and many vegetables are looow calorie. Salads work well (with a small amount of dressing, not loads of Caesar dressing) . Made a stir fry last night; one tablespoon of oil, bit of soy sauce and chilli and the rest was kale, leeks, sprout tops and that kind of thing. Low calorie meal, made me feel stuffed from the sheer volume.
If you want your porridge but don't want to overdo it, supplement it with a breakfast salad. Or replace it entirely with a large breakfast salad.
Large quantities of fruit generally don't help. Too much sugar.
2kg lighter than I was 10 days ago and not starving.
Large quantities of fresh vegetables really help. Placing a large amount of food inside you makes you feel full simply from the volume and many vegetables are looow calorie. Salads work well (with a small amount of dressing, not loads of Caesar dressing) . Made a stir fry last night; one tablespoon of oil, bit of soy sauce and chilli and the rest was kale, leeks, sprout tops and that kind of thing. Low calorie meal, made me feel stuffed from the sheer volume.
If you want your porridge but don't want to overdo it, supplement it with a breakfast salad. Or replace it entirely with a large breakfast salad.
Large quantities of fruit generally don't help. Too much sugar.
2kg lighter than I was 10 days ago and not starving.