• #16052
Bollocks, cant believe I missed the Ludgate hill one!
• #16053
It's been said before, you give good clue, Oat.
I know where this one is, but am too pox ridden to walk, let alone leave the house and get on the bike..... -
• #16054
Sheepneonanti, Woolnoble Square, Woolgas Square, Woolelement Square
• #16055
• #16056
so small compared to the ones opposite
• #16057
Derp, finally got the clue.
• #16058
Oh ffs. That was too easy! Well done for hiding the segregated lane...
I'm glad you feel that way - I knew if I showed too much of it, it would instantly recognisable (like the three cascading windows at each end), but the little barrelled windows at the top are something I've always loved.
Amazing history to the building, and its founder Passmore, a Liberal who built lots of public libraries in London and in the west country, as well as other work to help educate and benefit the poor.
• #16059
• #16060
FleeceInert Square, Stratford City.
• #16061
• #16062
Old: Union Square Social Housing
New: From one Union to another...
• #16063
Yup, Islington's new social housing, Packington Estate, designed to mirror the existing Georgian terrace on the opposite side of the square. In fact I think the terrace in Villa Ru's photo is the original terrace, the new one directly behind the camera, judging by the non uniformity of door colour and window spacing of the old one.
• #16064
Yeah - I did that on purpose so that people could see the similarity...
(or perhaps was in a bit of a rush to get to work and didn't check which bench to use.)
• #16065
A good idea!
• #16066
Nice tag oat.
• #16067
Long time reader, first time tagger. Sorry for the crap quality pics, and excuse the Barclays Bike.
Old - London School of Economics Student Union:
• #16068
Finally! I found this one after many building doors/windows tags! I don't know enough about London for most of the the last few months of taggings. Note the new one is a private public space after midnight.
• #16069
^^ The LSE Student Union or Saw Swee Hock Student Centre. Nominated for the RIBA 2014 award:
The Royal Institute of British Architects (Riba) has described it as a "lesson in mobilising the limitations of a site into a startlingly original building which makes a massive contribution to its townscape".
The building was constructed from 46 varieties of standard-shape bricks and 127 specially designed and shaped ones. Out of a total of 175,000, not one of them was cut. Every brick was shaped and baked individually - some are straight, others kink to fit the oddly shaped corners. They are laid in a variety of styles to create subtle patterns, with a section of latticed bricks drawing in light from outside.
• #16070
Hi Ruserius. You forgot to give us a clue.
You should not apologise for using a Hire Bike. I'm really glad you did.
Note the new one is a private public space after midnight.
I hate this about London, so many public-looking spaces with private armies guarding them, ready to go nuts at you if you happen to be a skateboarder or a rough sleeper.
• #16072
Skully, it's Harrington's tag so I'll leave the clue-giving to him (her?).
My involvement is that I just tried tagging it and came up against a very nice but very strict security gaurd last night at 00h07, apparently 7 minutes after the gates get locked. Teach me to go to my new tag first.
Some bricklaying rep due for LSE student union building there, another item on the list of things to go see in London -
• #16073
Good stuff @villa-ru, the angles of the building are mental. Shame that LSE students are such squares!
Most of the London Universities seem to have at least one crazily designed building on their campuses: [edit: removed for future tagging]
Looks like Ruserius' found it, but here's a clue anyway:
This guy is 1 of 13, but he leads a pretty orthodox life.
• #16074
Ooops thread reading fail. Meh.
• #16075
Got this last night but wasn't able to get the new one that I wanted to due to lighti g issues.
Not where I thought it'd be