Right then having a clear out. I've managed to put a record/Chorus group together so this little used group has got to go. It's in all round nice condition. It includes daytona 10 speed shifters work perfectly bit have a mottled affect on the mental ( I've got pics of it doesn't affect the shifter and not that noticeable when fitted) see pic of complete bike.
Daytona calipers lovely condition up there with the best Campag brakes I've used. These are dual calipers.
Daytona 53/42 chain set. The inner is mint and actually record. (Not fitted in the pics).
Daytona bottom bracket not as smooth as some but works perfectly.
Centaur carbon rear mech. I would say medium/long cage. I think it would work fine as a triple.
Last but not least a 12-25 chorus rear cassette. Only seen light mileage. Think that's everything considering the carbon rear mech and chorus cassette I don't think £300 (what I originally paid for a straight daytona groupset) is unreasonable. Please tell me if not (gently). Pics below cheers Jon
Right then having a clear out. I've managed to put a record/Chorus group together so this little used group has got to go. It's in all round nice condition. It includes daytona 10 speed shifters work perfectly bit have a mottled affect on the mental ( I've got pics of it doesn't affect the shifter and not that noticeable when fitted) see pic of complete bike.
Daytona calipers lovely condition up there with the best Campag brakes I've used. These are dual calipers.
Daytona 53/42 chain set. The inner is mint and actually record. (Not fitted in the pics).
Daytona bottom bracket not as smooth as some but works perfectly.
Centaur carbon rear mech. I would say medium/long cage. I think it would work fine as a triple.
Last but not least a 12-25 chorus rear cassette. Only seen light mileage. Think that's everything considering the carbon rear mech and chorus cassette I don't think £300 (what I originally paid for a straight daytona groupset) is unreasonable. Please tell me if not (gently). Pics below cheers Jon