I have the same. The trap has telescopic bits that make it work with almost any plug hole configuration. When fitting mine it took me a while to realise that the telescopic bits would allow me to adjust the height and length of the wastes. Does that make sense?
If you adjust these to get a good alignment then you should be able to make a decent seal.
If you adjust these to get a good alignment then you should be able to make a decent seal.
Yeah, I've tried different alignments, but the weight of the main part of the trap (and other hoses attached) seem to pull it down so that it leaks where the seal is lowest i.e., it's pulled away from the underside of the sink.
I need some help sealing a sink waste trap. It's an Ikea Atlant fitted onto a Boholmen sink.
The sink has a flat underside and the trap has a big rubber washer that fits up between it and the sink to make the seal. However, there's no threaded collar to screw up underneath to hold this seal tight, the only tension comes from a single screw through the centre of the drainer that pulls the waste tight up under the sink and (theoretically) sealing it by compressing the washer.
No matter how I angle the waste I still get a leak past the washer. Is there a trick I'm missing? Is there something that I can apply to the washer to make it a better seal?