So my parents made me clear out loads of stuff over christmas, and I found two guitar bits in a box that I no longer use, namely:
A bnib passive EMG select SEHG humbucker that I bought for a project and never fitted.
And a used but boxed Samson Airline Wireless System (Gibson input) that I used to gig with, but is just collecting dust.
Would anyone on here be interested in either/both, I was thinking £10 for the pup and £75 for the Samson, or reasonable offers? I'm based in Norwich, so there'd be a few quid for postage too unless you're in these parts. I had put them on Gumtree locally, but I think they're just too niche to sell on a place like that, so took them down and thought I'd try in here first before posting a regular classified ad.
If anyone's interested please let me know with a PM, and I'm sure we can work something out. Thanks, Al.
So my parents made me clear out loads of stuff over christmas, and I found two guitar bits in a box that I no longer use, namely:
A bnib passive EMG select SEHG humbucker that I bought for a project and never fitted.
And a used but boxed Samson Airline Wireless System (Gibson input) that I used to gig with, but is just collecting dust.
Would anyone on here be interested in either/both, I was thinking £10 for the pup and £75 for the Samson, or reasonable offers? I'm based in Norwich, so there'd be a few quid for postage too unless you're in these parts. I had put them on Gumtree locally, but I think they're just too niche to sell on a place like that, so took them down and thought I'd try in here first before posting a regular classified ad.
If anyone's interested please let me know with a PM, and I'm sure we can work something out. Thanks, Al.