Shimano parts lists usually state where a part is cross-compatible or identical with a part for another product. Although the RX31 freehub isn't strictly identical to anything else, the attachment spline, 10mm axle and 9×¼" loose ball bearing are common to a lot of Shimano hubs, so you should be able to use pretty much anything with the proviso that the seal ring will probably need to be matched to the freehub body, and the OLN spacing may be fractionally off. The RX31 is 11-speed, which has a wider freehub rotor than 8/9/10-speed, so you will definitely be off with the spacing. A complete FH-5800 hub from Wiggle barely costs more than the 5700 freehub rotor, I'd be inclined to buy a whole hub and gut it for the spare parts to fix your RX31 wheel.
2 Attachments
I need a new freehub body for my Shimano RX31 wheel. A Sheldon article appears to suggest that modern Shimano freehubs are standardised, so I theoretically should be able to fit any Shimano 10 speed road freehub, e.g. this.
However, the product description says it is only for 105 hubs. Is this incorrect, or am I misunderstanding Sheldon and actually the freehubs are only standardised insomuch as the cassette splines are all the same?
If the latter, can anyone direct me to some sort of look-up table to tell me what product code I need for the correct freehub?
Apologies for the UTFS-ish question, but my Google-fu is really failing me.