• Kurt Searvogel has stated that he's waiting a couple of days so that he can see Steve's progress. Seems a little unsporting but entirely his prerogative. William seems to have started and then stopped so not sure what is going on there. May be restarting and copying Kurt.

    The record is distance over any 365 consecutive days so you don't have to start on Jan 1st of any given year.

  • I wouldn't even bother about someone else so far away analysing my first few days, the terrain and weather will be completely different for them all, as will their medium and short term plans, as they adapt to all their individual variables.

    By the sounds of it, Searvogel has a different approach to these things anyway, tending to prefer higher pace over shorter intervals.

    I enjoyed seeing Steve's stop in Tewkesbury at lunch time today for fish and chips :-) And nice to see him acknowlege his supporters on Strava. Good on ya bud!
