It’s a form of apartheid; the less affluent are being shunted out of their own city. This writer’s only question is: Will Londoners meekly accept this treatment? Or will we see fireworks in more ways than one?
What the actual fuck? The article doesn't even say how much tickets were. Is it perhaps possible (and even more likely) that it's ticketed only because there is in fact a limit to the space available vs the people who want to attend? I doubt the rich really want to be kettled up on a cold fucking street on NYE watching shitty fireworks.
meanwhile back in blighty:
You have to be rich to watch this years NYE fireworks in London http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2014/12/31/londons-new-year-fireworks-display-is-ticketed-to-keep-out-the-riff-raff/